Sunday, April 25, 2010

Personal teachers in france

Personal teachers in france 

Effectiveness and efficiency of individual learning in school is very dependent on the teacher's role. a teacher
The ideal should be able to act as

1. Conservator (guardian) who is the source of the value system norms adulthood;
2. Innovator (developer) the value system of science;
3. Transmitters (successor) systems these values to students;
4. Transformers (translator) The value systems through the incarnation in his personal
and behavior, in the process of interaction with the target learners;
5. Organizer (organizers) the creation of an educational process that can be accounted for,
both formally (to the parties that appoint and assign him) as well as morally
(To target students, and the God who created it).
While limited in terms of education,
 thinking, suggests the role of teachers in the learning process of students,
which includes:
1. Teacher as a planner (planner), which should prepare what will be done in
in teaching and learning (pre-teaching problems);
2. Teachers as implementers (organizer), which should be able to create situations, lead,
stimulate, mobilize, and direct the teaching and learning activities in accordance with
plan, where it acts as a resource (resource persons), consultant
A wise leadership in the sense of democratic and humanistic (humane) during the process
progress (During teaching problems).
3. Teacher as Assessor (evaluators) who must collect, analyze, interpret and
finally had to give consideration (judgment), the success rate process
learning, based on defined criteria, whether related to aspects of the process effectiveness
and product qualification.
Furthermore, in the context of teaching and learning process in Prance,
again that is one role as a supervisor (teacher counsel), where teachers are required to be able to
identify students who allegedly had difficulty in studying, diagnosing,
prognosis, and if still within the limits of its authority, must help solve
in french there is a private teacher
highly qualified in teaching to meet the above criteria
 cours particuliers à Lyon 
 cours particuliers à Lille
 cours particuliers à Marseille
Personal teachers in france.

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