I bet some of you must be a little bit skeptical on the notion that high pagerank backlink can have significant impact in boosting up our pagerank. But let see this site (http://www.mobiletech-info.com). It has a valid PR6 after only 4 months of existence.
Judging from Alexa ranking and number of backlinks, it's not really in a good shape to even reach PR5. The definitive answer can be found only after the backlinks were put under scrutiny.
You can check the first top backlink yourself. It doesn't have any nofollow tag at all! Wouldn't this prove that backlink from high pagerank sites carry heavy weight in Pagerank calculation?
Now we are back to our main topic. Basically Fast Blog Finder will find dofollow blog posts for you. Before I go on further, let's get this thing straight. The idea is not to spam them but finding blogs which belong to the same niche as yours and comment intelligently. Give something insightful and constructive rather than leaving comment like "Good post" et al. It doesn't add any value at all. Ok, I don't want to dwell on this issue any longer, it would be better to get down to this lovely program.
First you need to download the program file at Fast Blog Finder. Install it and once done you will be asked to fill up a form so that they can email you the activation key. After that you can start do the searching.
When you are done with the searching you will be presented with posts that carry dofollow and nofollow tag. To further fine tune your search you can use "your keywords" + "commentluv". That way, dofollow tag will be applied to your homepage link and your last post as well.
This program is FREE but the search result is limited to 50 blogs for each keyword. You may upgrade this program for $49 if you want to have unlimited number of blogs for every search. 50 blogs are actually more than enough because we are not playing with numbers but quality. Remember we are not going to spam them; rather we want to add something useful on those posts and at the same time reaps the rewards.
Download Fast Blog Finder
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